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Stoughton is an urban church rooted within its community. The majority of its members live within 1 mile of the church.


Our vision statement shows a clear sense of why the church exists and its aim to deliver:


To be a worshipping community which seeks to place emphasis on prayer and outreach.

To focus on proclaiming the Good News of Jesus in relevant and fulfilling ways, and ensuring that God is at the centre of all that takes place.
To be of service to those in the local neighbourhood and to tell others of the relevance of Jesus' Church for today.
To create an overall climate of Christian love where individual views are respected and everyone is valued.
To respect and work with other Christian communities.
In all this we seek to express our faith individually and together in the real world we encounter.


The Church (in 2020) is 125 years old. A rebuilding scheme was undertaken in the early 1990’s when all the premises were enlarged and modernised. Following a generous legacy in 2010 the pews were removed and replaced with chairs. There was also new carpeting and the organ was replaced.


The membership is now less than 50. However, at the present time, congregations are approximately 20 made up mainly of the over 60’s, many having had an association with the church all their lives. At the present time we do not have Junior Church as there is only one family who attend Sunday worship.


There is a fortnightly Bible Study group, a monthly prayer meeting, a weekly coffee morning and a monthly Papercraft and Prayer group. Regular fundraising activities take place. A recent Summer Fete was very successful and supported by the local community. The congregation give generously to Action for Children and Junior Mission for All.


The Worship life of the church is enriched by the involvement of members of the congregation sharing in readings and prayers with a music group at occasional services. There is also the aid of Zionworx/Powerpoint presentations projected for services. A weekly news-sheet is produced and a quarterly newsletter. The church also has its own website.


There are regular weekly lettings on the Church premises which include a Christian Link Ministry Church, a Toddler group, exercise groups, a children’s drama group and a Brownie group.


We would welcome a pro-active minister to organise or lead us to organise with good pastoral visiting skills. Stoughton Methodist Church is an established traditional family and community orientated church but is also forward thinking and enjoys the more original style of Methodist worship. The members and adherents are open and enthusiastic to ideas for the development of the church and the spreading of the gospel.