Worship ▾ 




Rev'd. George Quarm


George Quarm


May we offer you a very warm welcome to the Stoughton Methodist Church Website. Here in Stoughton we are warm, caring, and friendly, willing at all times to make you part of the family of God. Our aim is to serve Jesus Christ in the local community, bringing glory to His name through our worship while communicating His love through our outreach of events and practical ministry. Our Church programme caters for all ages, so whether you are new to Stoughton or have been here for some time, you will be welcomed whatever be your reason.

Our church is a place of Creativity, Spirituality, Hospitality, Worship and a Resource to the wider church.

Our prayer is that within an inclusive Church, you might find that this is the place for you, and that what you bring will also help shape us to be the people of God today.

We look forward to seeing you soon in our friendly, joyful and happy environment, which is part of our lifestyle. For any queries or prayer requests please contact us through the website or you can call the Minister on 01483 575 432.

You are welcome anytime. God bless.


Rev'd. George Kwesi Quarm